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SensoPart claims Leadership Award

Gottenheim near Freiburg, March 2018 – Sensor manufacturer SensoPart, based in south-west Germany, is a prize-winner at the Leadership in Automation Awards 2017 organised by the US magazine Automation World.

SensoPart is one of the leading suppliers of vision systems – this has been confirmed by readers of the magazine Automation World, one of the top media resources for automation professionals in the USA, who have now voted the family company from Gottenheim their “preferred supplier”. “This prize took us completely by surprise”, declared Bernd Eckenfels, Head of Corporate Communication at SensoPart. “It is after all a reader’s choice award for which companies cannot actively apply”. 
Unlike similar awards, readers of Automation World were not asked to restrict their choice to a shortlisted selection of companies but were free to name any supplier. As a result, SensoPart was ranked alongside key companies such as Siemens, Rockwell and Cisco. “Although we are not one of the major players in automation technology, we enjoy an excellent reputation throughout the world”, explains a delighted Eckenfels. This is a fact that did not escape editors at Automation World: “Though major automation suppliers still play a dominant role, smaller and newer vendors have also gained enough trust among our readers to make the list in many places” – SensoPart is obviously one of them.